Ing. Svatopluk Bernard
Land surveyor

geodezie, geodetické práce, geodetické plány geometrický plán, zeměměřič, geodetické zaměření pozemku a stavby, katastr nemovitostí


Ing. Svatopluk Bernard
U Trojice 797/21
370 04 České Budějovice 4

Lidická 15/119
370 01 České Budějovice

beige building across the bus stop, 3rd floor, ring the bell next to the entrance from the street


e-mail: (

phone 1: +420 605 118 385
phone 2: +420 606 258 481

e-mail: (

Reg.Nr.: 72150777
We've expanded and now you'll find us under the Geotera company header

Service in the field of land registry

A) Survey sketch, which is made for

  • completed buildings before final building approval – new buildings, additions, garages, ...)
  • buildings under construction for mortgage credit obtaining
  • parcel partition – the permission of the competent municipal office and construction administration is required for the separation
  • easement setting-up – just if the easement is only on the part of the parcel

B) Location of property boundaries

  • for natural and legal person
  • for restitution of working plan units
  • for land adjustment

Also see Public notice 190/1996Sb. of Czech Office for Surveing, mapping and cadastre (in Czech only).

C) Works in horizontal control

  • minor horizontal control reconnaissance
  • setting-up of a new MHC according to public notice 190/1996Sb.

D) Land adjustment

Within the scope of the project of elementary and complex land adjustment, it is possible to perform the following geodetic works:

  • completion of extended minor horizontal control
  • survey of the actual situation in the landscape
  • geodetic documentation of land adjustment territory
  • locating the boundary lines of the unchanged parcels
  • setting-out the parcel boundaries according to the registered design of land adjustment

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Service in the field of survey engineering

  • responsible surveyor’s work guarantee
  • building location
  • survey of the actual building construction
  • survey of underground distribution systems lines (digital output)
  • survey of crane tracks parameters
  • digital output of results connected to GIS
  • maps of large ratio scales
  • preparation of documents for design activities
  • survey and calculation of cubage, visualization (stocks, dumps)
  • monitoring of deformations and shifts
  • survey of historical monuments
  • basic maps of factories
  • consulting in the field of survey engineering
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Landscape Digital Model, GIS and Remote sensing use

Landscape digital model (LDM) is a file of geodata (geodetic points, lines and areas) which describe curves of the terrain relief. I offer a complex LDM service, starting at surveying or with acquired geodata. The results can be both in digital or printed version:

  • contour plans
  • shaded 3D views
  • lengthwise and cross sections
  • calculation of cubage

LDM preparation and adjustment is a fundamental part of digital orthophotomaps creation. These maps belong to the the basic level of geoinformatics systems (GIS).

I offer consultancy on everything regarding GIS and help with building up your own GIS. GIS can make your work with space data more effective, you can easily make documents for administrative procedures or development projects. GIS data allow for detailed simulation of processes and effects in a specified area.

Remote sensing and photogrammetry present very effective tools for identification of the phenomenons on the Earth surface. RS provides very useful video data for further analyses.

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