When and where will you need a surveyor?
What is a survey sketch and what is it used for?
Requisites for recording a building in the Cadastre of Real Estates
Requisites for recording a building under construction in the Cadastre of Real Estates
Geodetic works in capital construction
Consulting – GPS, DMT, GIS, photogrammetry, FM and Remote sensing
Note: There can be some little differences in these requisites at some Cadastral Offices
You can download the blanks you will need for the procedure s in the Download section.
In survey engineering, I can help you with the following activities:
Besides the work for the Cadastre of Real Estates and survey engineering I also offer specialized work connected with geodesy. For more information please see the Service section, or contact me for more details.
If you are to build a geoinformatic system, you will often deal with the above mentioned terms. I can help you in all of these fields and propose and design the most effective solution, which will use your current resources as well as respect your limits.
Global positioning system (GPS) is a system of position identification through the satellites. You can use the geodetic plant or the much more cheaper touristic recievers.
Landscape digital model (LDM) is a file of geodata (geodetic points, lines and areas) which describe curves of the terrain relief. LDM allows for effective solution of many types of area- and space related tasks. For more information see the Service section.
LDM preparation and adjustment is a fundamental part of digital orthophotomaps creation. These maps belong to the the basic level of geoinformatics systems (GIS), which can make the work with space data easier. I offer consultations and advice on how to build up your own GIS; how to choose suitable software, how to choose and get source data. With the help of GIS, you can easily prepare documents for administrative procedures or development projects. GIS data also allow for simulation of processes and effects in a specified area. Local authorities and larger companies are obliged to create their own GIS.
Photogrammetry (aerial pictures) is a basic means of information retrieval for making decisions about a specific area.Thanks to the Remote sensing we can find out a lot of interesting information about the position and condition of the object. Photogrammetric and RS data are used while creating GIS. I can provide such data and help you with their application.
Facility management (FM) is a discipline specialized in the optimization of supportive processes in a company with respect to its economy and organization. A land surveyor will help you with the real estate control and useful applications of data from the Cadastre of Real Estate.